Top 10 Reasons to Buy a .vegas

There are lots of reasons to buy and use a .vegas domain name instead of a .common. Here are the top ten.

10.  You can get a great, .vegas domain name within minutes. You don’t have to wait to start your business because all the names you wanted were already taken.

9.  .Vegas is the only domain extension that means Las Vegas, 100%! No other domain extension can say that. Your domain extension is part of your story.

8.  Stand out.  With so many .commons out there, you stand out about as much as a drop of water in the ocean. With a .vegas you stand out like a sunbather on the beach. Clothing optional!

7.  The power of the community. A .vegas tells everyone you are connected to Las Vegas. The power of the City and its people is behind you.

6.  Its juts plain cool! Who doesn’t love Las Vegas? So why wouldn’t you end your domain name with one of the most recognized brands in the world?

5.  We are the future. Launched in 2014, the .vegas extension has made inroads into every nook and cranny of Las Vegas. The days of .common are slowly fading into the sunset.

4.  Exclusivity. The City of Las Vegas is one of only 4 US Cities that have their own domain extension. The others being .NYC, .Boston and .Miami

3.  It’s about the Internet. The Internet is changing how we see and experience the world. It is growing faster than anyone ever imagined. Las Vegas is feeling that change. Today people don’t have to come to Las Vegas to experience Las Vegas.

2.  .Vegas isn’t going anywhere.  We are permanently imbedded in the world wide web.  Every search engine recognizes us. You never have to worry about being indexed or forgotten.

And the number one reason to buy a .vegas is . . . . drum roll please . . . .

1. Why not!!!  Its Vegas Baby, and now we are online.